Month: August 2023

Artificial Intelligence Learning Requirements

Artificial Intelligence Learning Requirements

The consortium of The Future is in Applied Artificial Intelligence Project designed the first competency-based applied artificial intelligence curriculum at the high-education institution level. The development was based on advanced system research of existing artificial intelligence-related resources and surveying target groups of teachers, information technologies students, and employers which should enhance the performance of implementing artificial intelligence education. A review of applied artificial intelligence was prepared in the form of keyword clustering. The initial data was collected with the help of surveying, gathering job offers, existing artificial intelligence training courses, scientific projects, and real cases. Synthetic analysis of the textual information from the studies was using the word clouds technique. Tensor-based approach was used for the presentation of the competence-based course. The specific numerical requirements for the course in the form of priorities follow from the solution of decision-making problems using the analytic hierarchy process technique. Based on the comprehensive study of the surveys, educational experience, scientific projects, and business requirements, a meta-analysis of the recent references, we specified the criteria for a training course in the form of a tensor-based representation of competencies in relation to the content and educational modules.

Full paper can be found here: A3_3_LearningRequirements

Competence framework

Competence framework

This result outlines a learning initiative focused on developing a Competence framework within the field of AAI. The approach involves analyzing and incorporating various competency standards, such as ACM and IEEE. The content of the framework aims to encompass knowledge areas, specifying scope, competencies, and sub-domains. Sub-domains are further detailed through the inclusion of corresponding knowledge, skills, and dispositions. This comprehensive approach seeks to establish a robust foundation for competence development in the rapidly evolving field of AAI.

Full paper can be found here: A3_2 Competence_framework


Methodology for collecting and analyzing good practices in the field of applied artificial intelligence

Methodology for collecting and analyzing good practices in the field of applied artificial intelligence

The work is fulfilled within the framework of Erasmus+ project “The Future is in Applied Artificial Intelligence” (FAAI) and devoted to the development the methodology for collecting and analyzing good practices in the field of applied artificial intelligence (AAI) regarding the competences, training, existing solutions and real cases, which can be used for developing training courses of competence based education. Here we propose the definition of good practice in the field of AAI together with the corresponding criteria and features. The offered methodology uses system research based on the data gathered from existing training courses in AAI, labor market, surveys filled in by academics, students and employers, AAI use cases in science and industry.

Full paper under this link: Methodology_collection


Publication: Electrochemical Biosensor Design Through Data-Driven Modeling Incorporating Meta-Analysis and Big Data Workflow

Publication: Electrochemical Biosensor Design Through Data-Driven Modeling Incorporating Meta-Analysis and Big Data Workflow

The objective of the work is to offer workflow enabling us to execute both empirical and analytical studies of enzyme kinetics. For this purpose, on the one hand, we are based on a series of experimental research involving the traditional methods and techniques used when studying biochemical reactions and designing electrochemical biosensors: conductance research, spectroscopy, and electromagnetic field study.

Full text can be found here:

The audio description can be found here:

Publication: The Role of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things In Development of Smart Cities for Industry 4.0

Publication: The Role of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things In Development of Smart Cities for Industry 4.0

The pace of urbanisation is currently increasing. Modern cities are striving to become more technologically advanced and “smarter”, combining the concept of sustainable development with an improved quality of life. At the same time, digital transformation is taking place, and a variety of flexible tools will help meet the growing challenges of urbanisation over the next
few decades. One of the tools of digital transformation is cyber-physical systems.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are a set of infrastructure and production systems that
combine computing (cyber) technologies integrated into the physical environment with
human interaction.

The full article text can found here:

You can listen to article here:

Multiplier Event within activity A4.7: Da Vinci (22.08.2023)

Multiplier Event within activity A4.7: Da Vinci (22.08.2023)

The event commenced with an inaugural address by Vasyl Martsenyuk, the Head of Department of Computer Science at the University of Bielsko-Biala. His opening remarks set the stage for an insightful exploration of Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI) within the context of the FAAI project.

Marcin Bernaś addressed the contemporary challenges faced by the field of Applied AI. His presentation provided a comprehensive overview of the complexities and hurdles that professionals in this domain encounter. The audience gained valuable insights into the evolving landscape of AAI.

Aleksandra Klos-Witkowska took the stage to introduce the FAAI project. She provided a detailed overview of the project’s objectives, and partner organizations, and identified target groups. The audience gained a deeper understanding of the project’s scope and potential impact on various stakeholders.


Key Initiatives Discussed:
• Development of a New AI Framework for Training in Higher Education (Presenter: Tomasz Gancarczyk)
• Broadening the Scope with Enhanced Understanding of Skills, Knowledge, and Competencies in AI (Presenter: Marcin Bernaś)
• Designing the AI Ecosystem Layers Based on Competency Matrix (Presenter: Aleksandra Klos-Witkowska)
• Preparing New Learning Content in the Area of AI and Machine Learning (Presenter: Vasyl Martsenyuk)

These presentations outlined crucial initiatives undertaken within the FAAI project, showcasing its dedication to revolutionizing AI education.

The multiplier event provided an invaluable platform for stakeholders to gain insights into the Erasmus+ project “The Future is in Applied Artificial Intelligence.” The engaging discussions and presentations highlighted the ambitious objectives and innovative strategies driving the FAAI project.