Category: publication

A4.6: Publication “Designing a Competency-Focused Course on Applied AI Based on Advanced System Research on Business Requirements”

A4.6: Publication “Designing a Competency-Focused Course on Applied AI Based on Advanced System Research on Business Requirements”

The publication disseminating WP4 has been published in Applied Sciences.

Below is the link


The consortium of “The Future is in Applied Artificial Intelligence” Project designed the first competency-based applied artificial intelligence curriculum at the higher-education institution level. The development was based on advanced system research on existing artificial intelligence-related resources and surveying target groups of teachers, information technology students, and employers, which should enhance the performance of implementing artificial intelligence education. A review of applied artificial intelligence was prepared in the form of keyword clustering. The initial data were collected with the help of surveying by identifying job offers, existing artificial intelligence training courses, scientific projects, and real cases. A synthetic analysis of the textual information from the studies was conducted using the word clouds technique. A tensor-based approach was used for the presentation of the competency-based course. The specific numerical requirements for the course in the form of priorities followed from the solution to decision-making problems using the analytic hierarchy process technique. Based on a comprehensive study of surveys, educational experience, scientific projects, and business requirements, and a meta-analysis of the recent references, we specified the criteria for a training course in the form of a tensor-based representation of competencies in relation to content and educational modules.


A5.6: Publication on advanced neural network models

A5.6: Publication on advanced neural network models

The work has been published in a top-ranked journal “IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems”

The link is below


The title: On Model of Recurrent Neural Network on a Time Scale: Exponential Convergence and Stability Research


The majority of the results on modeling recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are obtained using delayed differential equations, which imply continuous time representation. On the other hand, these models must be discrete in time, given their practical implementation in computer systems, requiring their versatile utilization across arbitrary time scales. Hence, the goal of this research is to model and investigate the architecture design of a delayed RNN using delayed differential equations on a time scale. Internal memory can be utilized to describe the calculation of the future states using discrete and distributed delays, which is a representation of the deep learning architecture for artificial RNNs. We focus on qualitative behavior and stability study of the system. Special attention is paid to taking into account the effect of the time-scale parameters on neural network dynamics. Here, we delve into the exploration of exponential stability in RNN models on a time scale that incorporates multiple discrete and distributed delays. Two approaches for constructing exponential estimates, including the Hilger and the usual exponential functions, are considered and compared. The Lyapunov–Krasovskii (L–K) functional method is employed to study stability on a time scale in both cases. The established stability criteria, resulting in an exponential-like estimate, utilizes a tuple of positive definite matrices, decay rate, and graininess of the time scale. The models of RNNs for the two-neuron network with four discrete and distributed delays, as well as the ring lattice delayed network of seven identical neurons, are numerically investigated. The results indicate how the time scale (graininess) and model characteristics (weights) influence the qualitative behavior, leading to a transition from stable focus to quasiperiodic limit cycles.

This work was supported in part by the Erasmus + Program for Education of the European Union through the Key Action 2 Grant (the Future Is in Applied Artificial Intelligence) under Grant 2022-1-PL01-KA220-HED000088359 (work package 5: “Piloting,” activity A5.6 “Project deliverables”)

Publication: Electrochemical Biosensor Design Through Data-Driven Modeling Incorporating Meta-Analysis and Big Data Workflow

Publication: Electrochemical Biosensor Design Through Data-Driven Modeling Incorporating Meta-Analysis and Big Data Workflow

The objective of the work is to offer workflow enabling us to execute both empirical and analytical studies of enzyme kinetics. For this purpose, on the one hand, we are based on a series of experimental research involving the traditional methods and techniques used when studying biochemical reactions and designing electrochemical biosensors: conductance research, spectroscopy, and electromagnetic field study.

Full text can be found here:

The audio description can be found here:

Publication: The Role of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things In Development of Smart Cities for Industry 4.0

Publication: The Role of Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things In Development of Smart Cities for Industry 4.0

The pace of urbanisation is currently increasing. Modern cities are striving to become more technologically advanced and “smarter”, combining the concept of sustainable development with an improved quality of life. At the same time, digital transformation is taking place, and a variety of flexible tools will help meet the growing challenges of urbanisation over the next
few decades. One of the tools of digital transformation is cyber-physical systems.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are a set of infrastructure and production systems that
combine computing (cyber) technologies integrated into the physical environment with
human interaction.

The full article text can found here:

You can listen to article here: