Article: On Manufacturing Network Design as an Applied AI Problem

Article: On Manufacturing Network Design as an Applied AI Problem

The work is devoted to designing a manufacturing network incorporating logistic-production sites that are located at the nodes of the squared lattice with the help of the AI technique. We focused on qualitative analysis of the dynamic behavior of the dynamic lattice model. The model includes rate constants and initial conditions affecting the trajectories of the model which can be classified either as a stable node, limit cycle, or chaotic attractor. We aim to solve the problem of the model qualitative behavior as an AI classification problem. The training dataset is constructed with the help of Monte-Carlo simulation with high-performance computing in Julia. The AI model is built as a C5.0 decision tree. The work was fulfilled with the framework of Erasmus+ Project No. 2022-1-PL01- KA220-HED000088359 entitled “The Future is in Applied Artificial Intelligence” (FAAI) and offers a use case to be studied during the applied AI training course.

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